The Gruber Trails have been cleared and are open for walking!
The Gruber Forest is located on the southeast side of Deering Ridge Rd in Shapleigh, just southwest of driveway of 24 Deering Ridge Rd. Look for the small parking lot on the right as you turn into the driveway. Please respect our neighbors!
The Gruber Forest was deeded to Three Rivers Land Trust by the Estate of Charles Gruber in September 2017 without restrictions on the property’s use. Charles was a founding board member of the Three Rivers Land Trust, and also donated generously to the organization. Three Rivers Land Trust determined it was in the best interest of the land trust to divide the property and sell a small parcel containing the house, barn, and yard. This was done in March 2019.
The Mousam River is a defining feature of this property. The banks of the river are steep and
rocky, and there is not much wetland along the banks of the river. Located just downstream of
the Emery Mills (or Mousam Lake) Dam, it is likely that the water level on this stretch of river
has a history of wide fluctuations.
The upland forested area shows some signs of previous logging. The camp that used to operate on the
property caused some alterations to the forest, but few lasting changes, and there is a variety of trails and loops available for walking.
The forest is largely intact, mid-aged, and native, with only a little evidence of invasive plants at the northeast corner of the property.
The small pond and wetlands along the south edge of the property are ecologically important as an amphibian breeding and bird nesting/feeding location. The wetland is a forested freshwater wetland. You will see lots of beaver activity!