Hobbs Farm – Acton

The Hobbs Farm parking area will be plowed during the winter months.

Owned by the land trust, Hobbs Farm includes a 1.6 mile loop trail, but the attraction of this preserve also includes open fields to wander through or snowshoe after the summer hay season. To find the rough loop trail, follow the farm path into the second large field, then angle to your right to find the trail at the back corner of the field. This preserve is best for adventurous wanderers, as it is not well marked at this time. (Want to volunteer to improve trails? Contact info@3rlt.org).

Spring and winter access can be more difficult, since parking is limited. If the driving path is rutted, snowy, or muddy, please park at the road only, and walk in. We are working to raise funding for better parking options. The entrance to Hobbs Farm is located on Foxes Ridge Rd in Acton. Look for our sign, which is on the address post for #651, and a small gravel road entrance. During dry parts of the year, you could drive a short distance down the path to a “barely there” gravel patch on the left for additional parking. If you need to park on the road, please use judgement and caution.